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  5. How to Set-up Resource Calendar in Trade-Up

How to Set-up Resource Calendar in Trade-Up

You can specify non-productive events in your resource calendar and exclude normal work days.

Setting up Resource Calendar in Trade-Up

In settings you will find a tab “Calendar”.

The company calendar will allow you to specify non-productive events for your company as a default that will be applied automatically to each project.

This is used for calculating the number of available work days remaining in a contract.


There are 10 calendars days from now until contract completion date. One is a Sunday and another a public holiday , so there are 8 productive work days remaining available for the team to complete the project.

Selecting the state or Territory your company works in will automatically feed in public holidays and mark them as non-productive events.

Excluding a day from your normal work days also marks it as a non productive event. e.g If your team rarely works Sundays, uncheck the box. The Sunday Column will be greyed out and not counted as productive work days available.

Adding a non-productive day to the company Calendar

To calculate how many days remaining to contract completion, Trade-Up needs to know which days are productive and non-productive days. To do this, nominate days on the calendar when no one is working. Nominate non-productive days for your whole company or only specific projects.

  1. Go to Settings, then Calendar
  2. Click on a date
  3. Give the calendar event a title, category and add any details
  4. Click Submit

When you return to the the project summary screen, you will notice the days remaining to contract completion has changed.

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