Company Reports The reports feature on our Up-Family admin portal is constantly updated to make reporting on all areas of business possible. Each time we add a new feature we...
Work-Up Capture key information about workers through the Work-Up portal to ensure jobs stay above board without slowing down the process. Foreman can access team information such...
Assets An Up-Family subscription now allows companies to track assets. Keep a current stock take of machinery, tools, office assets and more....
Forms and Custom Checklists (Service-Up) Replace your clipboard with digital versions of your daily paper trace. Service- Up provides templates for toolbox talks, risk assessment, hire dockets and pre-start...
Live Chat in Jobs Released: May 2020 Service-Up provides a live chat feature within each job card to accommodate for real-time communication between the office and job site....
Export Safety Matrix Safety Matrix allows us to export the licences and tickets that your crew members have. Login to On the...
Track your Job Progress Need help tracking your job progress? Trade-Up helps subcontractors efficiently and effectively run a progress report to accurately claim works...
Document Storage The Up-Family is all about keeping everything in the one place. That’s why we have created our very own file hosting system that...
Export Progress Report Progress report can help visualise the position we are in and the progress of the project throughout the time. Login...