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  5. How to Export Timesheets from Trade-Up.

How to Export Timesheets from Trade-Up.

You can export timesheets report in few easy steps from The Up Family dashboard for Trade-Up.

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Reports tab available in the left side bar and choose the company to export the report for.
  3. In the Timesheets section, click on Export button.
  4. From the range of options, choose the required date range for your timesheets report.
  5. You can even choose to enter the date range manually by selecting the check-box (Enter range manually?).
  6. Once the desired date range has been selected, choose the file type for the report to be in (CSV, Extended CSV or Spreadsheet with totals).
  7. Your selected report file will be downloaded shortly after the click of the button.

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