The Up-Family Knowledge Base

How to Manage Members in Up-Family?

All the Up-Family members can be managed from the Up-Family dashboard.

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Members tab present on the left hand menu.company_img
  3. All pending invitations are listed in Pending section which can be deleted by clicking on bin icon or re-invited by clicking on envelop icon.pending_img
  4. To invite a new member click on Invite button.invite_img
  5. Fill in the details and click on Invite button.
  6. There are Current Members, Workers who have not completed sign-up and Past Members sections.
  7. Current Members section has Employment, Timesheets and Profile detail features. Current Members can be deleted which then become Past Members.
    1. Employment Detailsemployment details
    2. Timesheets Detailstimesheet details
    3. Profile Detailsprofile details
  8. Workers who have not completed sign-up section has Employment and Timesheets. They can be invited to sign-up by clicking on red envelop icon.sign-up_img
  9. Past Members / Inactive members section has only Timesheets details. They can be re-invited by clicking on red open envelop
  10. Click here to learn more about Managing Members in Up-Family.

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